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May the CHNOPS be with you
Reimagining life digitally with the futuristic frameworks of Web3 & creating a community by fusion of gripping narrative, flamboyant art & intriguing design.
A Web3 Experiment with Dynamic NFTs
Scroll to reveal different chapters of the origin story
Dynamic NFTs that live through stages and evolve over time! ◍
Data infused, behavioral NFTs Generating Insights 
An updatable interaction record forms the digital identity of your CHNOPS. Reflected periodically in visual and personality developments, it serves as a testament to the life led by your CHNOPS.

A roadmap of visual modifications, aka Memory Lane, portrays your journey in the CHNOPS verse.
Rarity can also be earned, not just bought! ◍
Live the life you want in a world of your making
We bring the canvas, you bring creativity.
We bring the structure, you bring your chaos.
Anime Stone
Arcane Stone
Fantasy Stone
Food Stone
Lava Stone
Monster Stone
Tech Stone
Tropical Stone
UnderSea Stone
Theme Stones 1/9
A Creative Guild to steer the sails of Web3 exploration ◍
Catering to a community of web3 aficionados up for an adventure
Bringing together a community of art enthusiasts, storytellers and readers, techies and everyone who is ready to experience Web 3 and believes in its potential!!!
Airdrops for Early Access via Discord/Twitter! 👀 Airdrops for Early Access via Discord/Twitter! 👀
The CHNOPS world began with much more than a bang! Things appeared out of no where and began the creation. Here is a quick recap of what all happened!!
The Genesis Enigma of the CHNOPS universe beckons the detectives, the investigators, the truth seekers to unveil the lingering mystery of how the Greenhouse came into existence. It remains the biggest puzzle to this day! Visit Detailed Story Page
Life Journey
Life Journey
The CHNOPS-cycle
Experience firsthand the evolution of your NFTs, where you drive its growth through each life stage via interactive activities.
Theme Stones
(Begins 2023)
Incubation : Greenhouse is prepping up your CHNOPS and the incubation has been activated. The life process for your CHNOPS begins here!
Element/ Theme Infusion​ (Coming Next) : The theme stones are the genetic code of the CHNOPS, determining their distinct physical features and making each one unique, just like human DNA.
CHNOPlings (Coming Next) : It’s the first reveal of the CHNOPS; still young and growing but bursting with vitality and enthusiasm for life! It's journey for learning and growth begins here.
The CHNOPSlings - Interactions
The phase where CHNOPSlings learn the ways of the world and its natural order. Acquainting themselves to the symbiotic associations, life sustaining processes, and interdependencies within the environment, to survive harmoniously in the world.
The CHNOPSlings - Interactions
CHNOPSifer: Community Building​
This stage is an experimental phase for each CHNOPS where they will find their place and role that fits them in the community. Here, they will find out ways of running a society purely on shared values rather than a central body putting up regulations.
CHNOPSifer: Community Building​
Ultimate reward for any CHNOPS to have reached this CHNOPS-cycle.​
It will encapsulate every aspect of the personality growth that CHNOPS has achieved in this life’s journey.​
🌱 -> 🌳
A big milestone in the life of CHNOPlings is achieved! You did well growing and rearing them. With their new cultured personality, they are ready to take on many more adventures.